St Benedict’s College
Community Wellness and Advancement
I appreciate the value of interconnectedness between the different levels of operation and engagement in our school as I catch up with boys, parents and staff members who walk through my door. The consequence of this interconnectedness is observed in the boys’ happiness levels. Our wellness philosophy of self-actualization infuses our thinking and guides us when making strategic decisions for wellness and advancement at St Benedict’s.
– An overall view of wellness at St Benedict’s College
Values focussed programmes and wellness support
Our values focussed programmes and wellness support are all intended to underpin and support our wellness philosophy. Each of the programmes is aimed at interweaving important aspects of interconnectedness and strengthening relationships. These include aspects of combating bullying, character building education, restorative discipline processes and relational staff engagement which allows for each member of the community to actively participate in creating a happy campus.

Our ethos is to support members of the school community
Our ethos as expressed by the missionary nature of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate is to support members of the school community: students, families and staff, regardless of background, religion or circumstance. Community service and outreach forms a core part of our education philosophy and our boys are committed to promote social justice through their active engagement in these programmes.
We rely on the generosity of our community
We are reliant on the generosity of our parent body, alumni, business and individual donors to generate funds for the promotion of social upliftment. These include the support for boys on scholarship and the funding of students to enrol for the duration of the high school career. We are open to engage with our community and welcome any form of support for our advancement programme.