Admissions – Parents Of New Boys

School Fees at St Benedict’s

St Benedict’s is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO No:930 007 117) and receives no subsidy from the state. All costs of running the school are covered by the school fees. Our aim is to provide boys with a high quality education that is comparable with South Africa’s most affluent and exclusive schools, while at the same time being accessible to as wide a range of parents as possible.

2025 School Fee Structure

(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
Offering A 57 568 19 669 5 495 5 000
Offering B 61 068 20 836 5 813 5 000
Offering C 72 470 24 636 6 850 5 000
Offering D 76 070 25 836 7 177 5 000
(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
Offering A 87 645 29 945 8 366 15 000 (10 000 for SBC Gr 00’s)
Offering B 91 145 31 112 8 684 15 000 (10 000 for SBC Gr 00’s)
Offering C 102 547 34 912 9 721 15 000 (10 000 for SBC Gr 00’s)
Offering D 106 147 36 112 10 048 15 000 (10 000 for SBC Gr 00’s)
(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
1 – 3
108 656 103 223 37 124 10 372 15 000
(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
4 – 6
130 504 123 979 44 589 12 457 15 000
149 932 142 435 51 227 14 312 15 000
(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
8 – 9
153 431 145 760 52 423 14 646 15 000
10 – 12
174 114 165 409 59 489 16 620 15 000
12 IEB Exam
9 079
1 587 (AP Subjects)
(Payable by 15 Jan 2025)
(Payable by 15 Nov 2024)
(Payable by 1st Day of every Term)
(11 instalments monthly in advance Jan – Nov)
(See Note 2)
Termly 128 199 11 654
Weekly 120 100 10 918

Aftercare (Offered to Grade 1 – 7 Boys)

Full Subscription 2 150
per Month
Half Subscription 1 075
per Month
Daily Charge 150
per Day

*Aftercare is charged for 10 months. (An August holiday programme is available at an additional cost).


  1. The St Benedict’s Pre-Preparatory has 4 main offers.
    1. Offering A: Half Day up to 13:10.
    2. Offering B: Half Day up to 13:10 and includes Holiday Care.
    3. Offering C: A 3/4 Day up to 15:00 with after school lunch & snack provided. Holiday Care included.
    4. Offering D: A Full day offering up to 17:30 with after school lunch & snack provided. Holiday Care included. (*Holiday Care includes the April and August school holidays; the Term 2 midterm and the first week of December holidays. It excludes the Term 1 and 3 midterm breaks).
  2. St Benedict’s does not require a refundable term fee in advance. Instead, our non-refundable enrolment fee is a once-off payment, payable in the relevant amount only when one first enrols at the school and not as a pupil progresses through each section of the school. The exception is the progression from Grade 00 to Grade 0, at which time the initial R5 000 fee for Gr 00 must be topped up to R15 000. The enrolment fee forms part of the general funds of the school.
  3. A Capital Levy is billed per annum as follows:
    1. 1st child – R5 700.
    2. 2nd child – R4 300.
    3. 3rd child – R2 875.
    4. Matric parents are exempt from this Capital Levy.
  4. The Grade 12 IEB Examination Fee is payable in full by the end of May. Should a candidate offer more than the seven-subject package, there will be an additional charge for each subject in addition to the seven subjects. This will include learners who are registered for Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy.
  5. Gr 12 parents will be billed for their son’s matric jacket and matric dance ticket/s. Both are optional extras.
  6. Aftercare options are as follows:
    1. Full Subscription: 5 days a week until 17:30 with lunch provided, and includes Holiday care in April, the Term 2 midterm and the first week of December holidays. It excludes the Term 1 and 3 midterm breaks.
    2. Half Subscription: 10 days a month until 17:30 with lunch provided, and Holiday Care available at an additional daily rate of R170. A Holiday Club operates in August at an additional fee for both subscription options.
  7. Family Discounts for brothers at St Benedict’s and for sisters at Holy Rosary School and Assumption Convent School are offered as follows:
    1. One child: Full fees.
    2. Two children: 5% discount on total fees.
    3. Three children: 10% discount on total fees.
    4. Four children: 15% discount on full fees.
    5. Five children: 20% on full fees.

Banking Details

Account Name: St Benedict’s Trust
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Eastgate (257705)
Account No: 55275101604

General Notes

Non Refundable Fee Enrolment

An offer of a place for a Child at the School is accepted by you signing this contract and paying the non-refundable enrolment fee. The non-refundable enrolment fee is as follows:

  • Gr 00: R 5 000
  • Gr 0 – 3: R 15 000
  • Gr 4 – 7: R 15 000
  • Gr 8 – 12: R 15 000

The non-refundable enrolment fee will form part of the general funds of the School.

Parents who enrolled their son at the School prior to 2017, will have paid a deposit. The School will be entitled to treat the interest generated from such deposit as income. The deposit will be refunded to parents, without interest, on their Child leaving or, at the School’s discretion, credited to the Parent, without interest, for the final payment of the fees or other sums lawfully due by the Parent to the School, on the Child leaving.

Family Discounts

We will continue to offer Family Discounts for brothers at St Benedict’s and sisters at Holy Rosary School and Assumption Convent.

  • One child: Full fees.
  • Two children: 5% discount on total fees.
  • Three children: 10% discount on total fees.
  • Four children: 15% discount on total fees.
  • Five Children: 20% discount on full fees.

The discount applies to tuition fees only and is not applicable to scholarship candidates (20% and above) or candidates on bursaries.

IEB Examination Fees

Gr 12‘s will be billed separately for the external IEB examination fees. 2024 IEB Fees will be R 9 079 per candidate.

School Tours And Excursions

Additional charges are levied in respect of School Tours and excursions.  This includes the costs of all sports tours and sports training camps.  No charge is made, however, for the conveyance of pupils to or from normal sports activities.

Raven’s Sport Centre

No charge is levied in respect of boys making use of the Raven’s Sports Centre. Boys must however be 14 years or older before being allowed use of this facility.

After-School Centre

The After-School Centre operates from the close of school each day until 17:30, catering for pupils up to Grade 7. A light lunch is provided. A schedule of fees and charges is available from Reception. Charges are payable to the Accounts Office only. Aftercare fee for 2024 are R1 950 per month (billed over 10 months). The Aftercare Centre will continue to operate during midterms and April school holidays at no additional costs. It will, however, be closed for the August and December holidays. A holiday club will operate during the August holidays at an additional cost.

Other Levies

Charges are levied in respect of boys electing to join the St Benedict’s Rowing Section, the St Benedict’s Pipe Band and the St Benedict’s Cub and Scout Groups.

Text Books

Text books are issued on loan to pupils from Grade 00 to Grade 3. Pupils from Grade 4 to Grade 12 are required to purchase their own books.


All Grade 4 to Grade 12 pupils are required to provide their own stationery and equipment as per the list supplied by the school.  In Grade 00 to Grade 3 parents purchase stationery packs prepared by the school

Financial Assistance

As has always been the case at St Benedict’s, the Board of Governors makes financial provision to grant bursaries to assist parents experiencing temporary financial difficulties. Such bursaries are never awarded at the point of initial enrolment and are also not considered when an account is in arrears. Parents applying for such assistance will be required to prove their need by submitting financial proof thereof, this includes payslips and SARS Income Tax Returns. The said bursaries are designed as an interim relief measure and should not be viewed as a permanent reduction in fees. Bursaries are awarded on an annual basis and parents are required to re-apply for assistance each year.


In terms of the agreement signed by parents/guardians at the time of their son’s enrolment, a full term’s notice in writing is required if it is their intention to remove their son from the school or boarding house.  (Alternatively a full term’s fees and levy in lieu of notice is required.)   Adequate notice is appreciated as it allows for timeous arrangements to be made for the reallocation of places at the school and boarding house.